Friday, November 7, 2014

Letters to me..

Every broken drop falls
And etches out a story
Trembling and shivering
Screaming in agony
Drowning in the weight
Of each other's company

Two drops meet and part in shame
Breaking in misery
And obscured fonts shine
With ambiguity
Interspersed, like fingers
Tired from parity

Trickling down their paths
With ingenuity
Drumming with a silky touch
Swaying on giddily
Orchestrated in randomness
The music of melody

Fallen from sailing clouds
Risen from the sea
The story of failure
And rising unto glory
The rain tells me about hopes today
Through its letters to me.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


How incomplete is my silence
Without the stimulation
Of your soft, serene presence
On my sanity and station.

Suppressed, like a stolen secret
I sway, searching for support
Holding, on one hand, my spirit
On another, my bleeding heart.

Flickering at a sorry span
Shines guidance, calling at me
I seek; in a subtle scan
Its beckoning - half-heartedly.

Supposed synonyms look and smile
At striking similitudes
But I sense the shaking spile
In the weakening attitudes.

The gardens, the fields; they call out
Afar, the tight rope awaits
Vicious and savage, the flames shout
As I stroke the poisonous bait.

Friday, June 20, 2014

That Old Picture

That's me standing with eyes wide open

Confused and bewildered, perhaps

About why you do this to me

You dress me up and click away

Into a plastic memory.

The dress, the shoes and a pretty hat

The colored backdrop that's all fake

And the only piece that is true

Is my ever confounded glare

A slightly open mouth, too.

Hands up on sides like all I wanted

Was to let me go on with life

Scoop me up in your arms and then

I'll not be so discomfited

With this irksome regimen

Faded corners and the brittle sides

Eroded sheen on the outside

But see the yearning in these eyes

Credulous I, facing the vain world

Soon to drown me in its lies.

Monday, May 12, 2014

If I Were A Rose..

If I were a rose
I would blossom on the loftiest rock
And tell the world how I have lived through difficulties.
I would be host to the biggest of bees
And when people drank honey
They would know it must be me.

If I were a rose
I would adorn the bouquet
That the prettiest bride carried
When she walked down the aisle
She would toss me in style
As far as it can be
And they would rush to get me.

Crowning this bride-to-be
I sit unmoved - a piece of rock
Watching this handsome man
Shed a tear - and place a rose
He nods like he knows
That I look at what I see
And wish that I weren't me.