Saturday, December 8, 2012


Awaiting your destiny
On a smokey alley
Clinking glasses and flashing
Lights of sin on your tee
You happily sink deeper
Into your reverie
With a notion of freedom
That only you can see.

In the middle of the night
She wakes up at a knock
The wood, metal and the rust
Tired keys and a lock
Running to keep up. And tears
Of sorrow and of shock
Splash over the wrinkled cheek-
A wave on a dark rock. 

All you see is the fizz
At the bottom of your glass
The lights are still flashing
Colored lightening, so harsh
But your open eyes are
Opaque and you let it pass
The smell of cheap perfume
The shine of expensive cars.

The lump on her throat grows
As she gasps for some fresh air
But these men here don't care. 
She thinks of miracles
That have helped her in despair
And she closes her eyes
In silent, hopeful prayer.

You are still there, still there
How could you change your ways when
The time has passed? And lights-
They flash on you yet again
When she sits beside you
Waiting for you to begin
Explaining your actions.
And she could believe-again.