Monday, October 8, 2012

On this Journey..

I hear a voice call out and I

Must turn around or just go by

Oh heart, stop thumping on my chest

For I must pass, I must not rest.

The world now looks like a big ship

I, a traveler on its tip

Though trials on my face gush through

This path I must, I must pursue.

Those roses, filled of mud they were

And thorns have grown soft petals here

I carry them on my bare hands

I carry them across the sands.

Oh Freedom, you were such a farce

Today, your meaning I do parse

Who wants you when submission's sweet?

With love and peace it is replete.

Across the seas this love pulls me

And that is where I wish to be

With that passion my heart does burn

I wish to go and not return.

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